Friday, February 17, 2012

Einstein'ın değerleri

İngilizcesi çok güzel yazılmış, Türkçe'ye tercüme etmeye çalışıp metni ziyan etmek istemem. Daha önce taslak olarak kaydetmişim ve paylaşmamışım, sanırım tercüme edebilirim cesareti gelmiş o an üzerime :) şu an imkan yok diyorum. Bu metni yazan Steve Jobs'ın da biyografisini yazan Walter Isaacson'un Einstein kitabından alıntıdır. Rahatlıkla burada yazanlar kadar katıldığım başka birşey yok diyebilirim. 

The most important aspect of Einstein's personality was his willingness to be a non-conformist. It was an attitude he celebrated in a forward he wrote near the end of his life to a new edition of Galileo. "the theme that I recognize in Gallileo's work is the passionate fight against all dogma based on authority. " Einstein was rebellious enough to throw out conventional thinking that had defined science for centuries. He bristled over all sorts of tyranny over a free mind. Einstein's fundamental creed was that freedom was the lifeblood of creativity. The development of the science and the creative activities of the spirit requires a freedom that consists in the independence of thought from the restrictions of authoritarian and social prejudice. Nurturing that should be the fundamental role of the government and the mission of education.
There was a simple set of formulas that defined Einstein's outlook. Creativity required willingness not to be conformed. That required nurturing free minds and free spirits which in turn required a spirit of tolerance. And the underpinning of tolerance was humility. The belief that no one had the right to impose ideas and beliefs on others.

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